Have a toothache treated in the Zahnlounge in Zürich-Enge 

Causes, treatment and prevention of toothache

What are the most common causes of toothache?


Every human tooth is covered with a fine biofilm (plaque). Bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans settle there. These bacteria convert the sugar from leftovers into acid. This attacks the tooth enamel. It is important for dental health that plaque is removed regularly. This preserves the enamel and prevents cavities in the tooth. If this is not done, the bacteria can cause holes in the tooth, which in turn can lead to acute toothache.

Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis)

Inflammation of the gums, often caused by plaque that has not been removed, can lead to redness, swelling and pain in the tooth. Gingivitis is a mild variant of periodontitis. Germs that are responsible for gum inflammation are closely linked to many general diseases. Early detection of these changes in the gums is important for dental and general health and to prevent a severe course of periodontitis.

Periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium)

The gums, root cementum, periodontium and jawbone are all part of the periodontium. Periodontitis is a disease of the periodontium. These diseases often begin with gingivitis. Irreversible bone loss, which can lead to tooth loss, is a manifest clinical picture. Smoking is the number one risk factor for periodontitis.

Broken fillings or crowns

Damaged fillings or crowns can allow bacteria to penetrate the tooth and cause tooth decay. The condition of fillings and crowns is checked at every dental check-up.

Nerve inflammation

If caries is not treated or treated too late, this can lead to inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis). This usually causes severe and pulsating pain.

Misaligned teeth

Misaligned teeth can lead to pressure on certain teeth and thus cause pain. Have your teeth checked regularly for misalignments by your dentist.

Temporomandibular joint disorders

Temporomandibular joint disorders, also known as temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), can cause toothache. They can also lead to pain in the face, ears and head.

Transmitted pain

The nerve pathways of the teeth and jaw are closely connected. Pain in the temporomandibular joint can radiate into the teeth.

Muscle tension

Tension in the chewing muscles can exert pressure on the teeth and cause pain.

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Many people with temporomandibular joint disorders tend to grind their teeth or exert pressure between the upper and lower jaw. This results in tooth wear and sometimes toothache.

Incorrect loading

Uneven loading of the teeth is often caused by a malfunction of the temporomandibular joint. This causes pain and hypersensitivity.

Summary: Recognizing and avoiding the causes of toothache

You can recognize all the causes of toothache mentioned above at an early stage or even avoid them altogether by constantly caring for your teeth and making regular check-ups with your dentist.

Book an appointment for toothache online now

+41 43 817 65 61

A woman suffers from a toothache. She holds a cold pack on her left cheek to cool the affected area. A visit to the dentist is strongly recommended for toothache.

What can I do if I have a toothache?

If you have an acute toothache, you should see a dentist immediately.

Book an appointment for toothache online now

+41 43 817 65 61

Until your dentist appointment, you can do the following to provide relief:

  • Painkillers: painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can relieve the pain.
  • Cold packs: A cold compress on the affected area can reduce swelling.
  • Gargle: Gargle with warm saline solution, chamomile tea or sage tea. It cleanses the oral cavity and can relieve inflammation.
  • Clove oil: Apply some clove oil to the affected area of the gum or tooth
  • Avoid irritants: Avoid hot, cold or acidic foods and drinks, which will only make the pain worse.

What treatment options are there for toothache?

The treatment of toothache depends on the cause. The cause should always be diagnosed by a dentist. Likewise, treatment should only be recommended and applied by a dentist.

Possible treatments for toothache are

  • Fillings: The decay is removed and the tooth is filled

  • Root canal treatment: If the root of the tooth is affected, root canal treatment is necessary

  • Gum treatment: The teeth, root surfaces and gum pockets are thoroughly cleaned. This removes the bacteria and the inflammation is stopped and can subside.

  • Crowns: Used to strengthen weakened teeth.

  • Tooth removal: In particularly severe cases, a tooth replacement may be necessary.

Toothache should never be ignored or "put up with". The earlier the cause is treated, the lower the risk of complications and serious consequences. We will be happy to advise you on which form of treatment is suitable for your symptoms.

What should I bear in mind if my child has a toothache?

Children's teeth are particularly susceptible to tooth decay. Regular dental care right from the start is essential for healthy teeth. The most important measures are a healthy and low-sugar diet, brushing teeth at least twice a day and prophylaxis (professional teeth cleaning) at least once or twice a year.

Make an appointment for children's prophylaxis (45 minutes) in the dental lounge in Zurich-Enge

What should I do if toothache occurs in older people?

Older people often have more dental problems. Jaws, teeth, tooth necks and all other components are less resistant and more prone to disease and associated toothache. Regular visits to the dentist are particularly important for older people.

How can I prevent toothache?

Good oral hygiene is the key to preventing toothache. This includes the following measures:

  • Avoid sugary, highly processed foods and drinks. They promote plaque and tooth decay. Instead, eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Stop smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption as much as possible. Both habits can affect your dental health.
  • Go to the dentist at least twice a year. Have your teeth checked and book a professional dental cleaning.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use dental floss every time you brush your teeth. This removes plaque and food debris between the teeth.
  • After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash. This reduces bacteria in the mouth.
Zucchinis, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, lemons, broccoli, rice, Brussels sprouts, ginger and herbs are all on the table. A healthy plant-based diet with little sugar in combination with dental care to prevent toothache.

When should I see a dentist immediately?

  • If the toothache is persistent and does not subside or gets worse.

  • If the toothache is accompanied by swollen gums and swelling of the face. If there is also a fever, immediate help is needed.

  • If a toothache occurs suddenly (e.g. at night) and quickly intensifies

  • If the gums bleed frequently.

Our dentist in the dental lounge in Zurich-Enge

Dr. med Cornelia Katumba

Book an appointment for toothache online now

+41 43 817 65 61

A man suffers from a severe toothache. He holds his cheek with his hand. If you have a toothache, always visit a dentist, e.g. Dr. med Cornelia Katumba at the Zahnlounge in Zurich-Enge.

Summary: Treating and preventing toothache

All of the information provided is for general information purposes only. Reading and following the recommendations does not replace a visit to your dentist. You should always consult a dentist if you have a toothache.

Have your toothache examined by our experienced dentist Dr. Cornelia Gsell in the dental lounge in Zurich-Enge.

Book an appointment for toothache online now

+41 43 817 65 61

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