Zahnlounge Zürich: dental hygiene, teeth cleaning, bleaching, dentist

Wellness for the teeth

Our dental hygiene services in zurich-Enge

Brigitte Schoeneich and her team offer dental hygiene services to a high medical standard in the dental lounge in Zurich-Enge.

When it comes to dental hygiene, we rely on minimally invasive and painless treatment using Guided Biofilm Therapy®. This uses AIRFLOW® technology to thoroughly remove soft bacterial plaque and discoloration. Tartar is gently removed using PIEZON® NO PAIN technology. Our Power Bleaching Zurich with AirFlow and three bleaching passes is also popular

    Our dental services IN ZURICH-ENGE

      Our dentist Dr. med. dent. Cornelia Katumba and her team offer comprehensive dental services in the dental lounge in Zurich-Enge with a focus on personal consultation and the highest medical standards.

      We work exclusively with qualified dental technicians from the Zurich region.

      If you have a toothache, please make an appointment online or call us on +41 43 817 65 61.


        Zierelement N als Aufzählungszeichen aus dem Logo von Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

        Painless and gentle tooth cleaning using AIRFLOW® and PIEZON® NO PAIN technology

        Zierelement N als Aufzählungszeichen aus dem Logo von Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

        Good oral hygiene improves your general health and well being

        Zierelement N als Aufzählungszeichen aus dem Logo von Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

        Dental hygiene boosts periodontal health and reduces the risk of dental decay

        AIRFLOW® Dental Hygiene of the Dental Lounge Zurich


        Well-cared-for, radiant, healthy teeth and gums symbolise healthiness, attractiveness and youthfulness.


        Thanks to pain free Guided Biofilm Therapy® your visit to our lounge becomes a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Our range of dental hygiene treatments ensures long-term dental health and makes your teeth shine brighter than ever.

        Guided Biofilm Therapy®

        Minimally invasive and pain free treatment

        • Well-rounded information and advice

        • Assessment of oral hygiene: Oral mucosa, teeth and gums (caries check-up)

        • Prevention and treatment of gum disease, periodontal therapy

        • Nutrition counselling with regard to oral diseases

        • Biofilm removal with AIRFLOW® and Plus powder

        • Pain free calculus removal

        • Implant cleaning

        • Fluoridation measures

        • Quality check

        • Instructions for excellent individual oral hygiene

        • Information on the development and prevention of oral diseases

                                60 min

                                192 CHF


                                Assessing oral health

                                Pfeil nach unten Icon | Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

                                Making biofilm visible

                                Pfeil nach unten Icon | Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG


                                Pfeil nach unten Icon | Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

                                Removing calculus

                                Pfeil nach unten Icon | Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

                                Checking quality

                                Pfeil nach unten Icon | Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

                                Booking follow-up appointment

                                Logo der Zahnlounge in dunkelblau und gold | Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG


                                Zahnlounge AG

                                Bodmerstrasse 14
                                8002 Zürich

                                Opening hours

                                Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:30

                                Sat: By appointment


                                Icons der Bezahlarten maestro, twint, PostFinance, matercard und VISA. Mögliche Bezahlten in der Praxis Zahnarzt und Zahnreinigung Zürich - Zahnlounge AG

                                © 2024 Zahnlounge AG